Quick Summary:
In this episode (017), I continue the interview with Dr. Daly and Dr. Csiszer, two board certified orthopedic surgeons, all about hip dysplasia, including treatment options – both surgical and non-surgical. We discuss the pros, cons, and various considerations and risks of each surgical technique. We also talk about medical or conservative management, meaning no surgery, and how well dogs can do without surgery. We talk at length about total hip replacements in dogs and discuss pain medications, supplements, and some alternative treatment approaches. This 3-part series is a MUST-LISTEN if you have a dog with hip dysplasia.
Treats For You:
The Canine Hip Dysplasia Success Program that I mention in the episode all begins with the “Happy At Home” Hip Dysplasia 5 Day Challenge, followed by an opportunity to join the program.
So click here now >> The “Happy At Home Hip Dsyplasia 5 Day Challenge with Julie McKinney Miller. It provides tremendous value and begins March 4, 2020.
You can join through Friday, March 6th, at 11:59pm EST. And then it’s closed!! Join us now!
More Details:
In this part of the 3 part series, we discuss more treatment approaches for hip dysplasia in dogs
We discuss the FHO (femoral head osteotomy), which is also described as removing the femoral head and neck of the femur. It is a very good surgery for dogs who are in pain. It is usually recommended to dogs who weight 50 pounds or less, but listen in and you’ll hear how it can be used for larger dogs too!
We, of course, continue more talk about the THR (total hip replacement) in dogs.
And we discuss medical management or “conservative management” as a treatment choice for dogs with hip dysplasia.
We also talk about NSAIDs for dogs with hip dysplasia, as well as some supplements, both accepted and controversial, including CBD oil and turmeric.